Teaching my girl how to use the excavator!
Slow and steady. Okay, now use your right hand. Bring it up off the concrete a little bit so you're not going to scrape. We don't want to scrape up our concrete, so bring it up a little. There you go, that should do. Yep, you should be able to grab it with your thumb now. If it looks like the thumb’s going to scrape the concrete, let's bring it back up. Nice! I think you grabbed it, you should be able to bring it up two different ways. This way brings it towards you, and the other one brings it up. Nice. Now you can shift the whole cab around. There you go. You might want to set her down gently this time. Don't use your thumb yet. Just bring it down a little bit because this is really heavy. Now your thumb, then it won't slam the ground as hard. Nice! Now bring your cab back around. Nice. Good work!