
Doug's new fence in Bellingham

Alright, I'm here with Doug. Doug, what's this back behind us here? This is a new fence and new gates. That's right. Do you remember how you found Whatcom HandyMan? Yes, I do. How was it? Next door you were pouring posts without water. I thought, these guys look interesting. That's right. And now this post right here which was set double post with concrete, no water. We’ve triple compacted it, up to 2000 PSI. Why don't you give it a little shake? Let's see how it looks. Maybe close the gate first. There we go. Now this is setup even harder than this, but one day later; that's not going anywhere, that compaction and shakedown. Alright, well, would you recommend anybody else works with Whatcom HandyMan or no? So far, yeah. Absolutely. Well, we appreciate you. You’ve got a beautiful neighborhood and a beautiful fence. Hopefully the dogs will enjoy this fence. Oh, they will. They will. Absolutely. Thanks for hiring us, Doug. Sure.


A dock refresh on the lake


Stained Cedar Fence